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[I started teaching because] I wanted to ensure that as many nurses as possible could have the correct caring attitude toward patients.”
— Dr. David Sharp
Professor, Nursing School at MC

Degrees Held:

  • M.Sc. Socila Anthropology – Edinburgh University, 2001
  • Ph.D. Nursing – The Robert Gordon University, 1999
  • M.Sc. Nursing Education – Edinburgh University, 1989
  • M.A. Honors Psychology – Aberdeen University, 1977

Career Highlights:

Dr. David Sharp commenced his nursing career in 1978 and moved into the field of nursing education in 1988. He has worked primarily as a psychiatric nurse specializing in forensic psychiatric nursing and care of the elderly. Currently he teaches mental health, nursing research, communication and NCLEX preparation. Having worked in nursing education since 1988, he has developed and led a range of nursing courses at baccalaureate and graduate level, including distance learning and part-time degree courses in innovative areas such as Community Psychiatric Nursing and Forensic Psychiatric Nursing.

Through his work as a nurse educator, David has traveled around the world. He has coordinated a European network for nursing education, hosted European nursing conferences, carried out study visits throughout Europe, and has presented papers in the U.K., the U.S.A., Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, The Netherlands, Turkey and China. He regularly carries out consultancy work in mental health care issues in a charitable hospice in Scotland and has published journal articles and book chapters in the field of nursing education as well as mental health nursing and he regularly presents at national and international conferences.

He has recently worked with the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) on strategies related to engagement with clients and was co-chair of the APNA Committee on Undergraduate Education leading conference sessions and various projects promoting effective teaching in undergraduate psychiatric nursing education.

Which online degree program(s) do you teach?

  • Which classes do you teach online?

    NUR 305 Transcultural Patterns of Health; NUR 313 Nursing Research; NUR 404 Nursing Informatics

  • What can students expect in your classes?

    Group projects, weekly discussion board posts, weekly reading assignments, student presentations, professor lectures, term paper.

  • What do you want students to take away from your classes? What do you want them to learn?

    Students need to learn how to be effective and knowledgeable careers. Therefore, they have to learn the information and skills that can be applied in nursing practice.

  • What is the value of this degree?

    This degree is a key step in progressing in a career in nursing, providing the knowledge and skills to be a knowledgeable nurse with key skills.

  • Why did you start teaching?

    I wanted to ensure that as many nurses as possible could have the correct caring attitude toward patients. I could not do this effectively as a unit manager so I decided to move into the field of nursing education.

  • What advice would you give to prospective students considering this program?

    You need to make sure that you have a schedule set for carrying out the study you need to do and make sure that you stick to it.

  • What qualities make someone particularly successful in nursing?

    The ability to learn continuously, apply evidence based practice and care with compassion.

  • What is the one book you think everyone should read?

    Yoder- wise, P. (2015) Leading and Managing in Nursing. ISBN 978-0-323-18577-6

  • Tell us something your students may not know about you:

    I served for a time in Regional Government in the U.K.

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